The PRRT Home Study Course is designed to give revolutionary insight into releasing pain in seconds. Tomorrow, you can use PRRT in your practice… guaranteed successfully! You’ll be pleased to know that PRRT will integrate seamlessly with any and all approaches you already utilize. If you treat musculoskeletal pain and have been searching for the missing piece in the pain puzzle of pain… you’ve found it!
30-Day Hassle-Free Money Back Guarantee
The Brand-New PRRT Home Study Course includes:
PRRT Home Study Course DVDs You’ll rapidly learn to resolve many of the most common conditions you see daily. These techniques will give you a great sample of what PRRT is, how it works, and how truly effective it can be in relieving:- Pain
- Muscle Tightness
- Trigger Points
- & Restricted Motion
- The world-famous 1 Minute NocioceptivExam™
- 9 Additional Techniques
- Close to 180 mins. of video
- PDFs of the original course manual
- & “Mending Mankind” audio session
30-Day Hassle-Free Money Back Guarantee
The ONLINE VERSION of the Home Study Course requires a high-speed connection. If you live outside of the United States and have a question about your connection, please email PRRT Support.